
Punch-a-Bear Archives      Drawing for 10.1.13

Hello, and welcome to our new schedule. It will be better for you and better for Punch-a-Bear. So, now, rather than new drawings on Monday and Wednesday, we will be doing this thing Tuesdays and Thursdays.

This is all because I now have weekends off (to go sailing!). I also have an hour lunch at work, which is time that would otherwise be squandered. Additionally, I recently found out the password for the wifi at my place of employment. These are all good things.

For my birthday, I went to Berkeley. I managed to end up on the only street that doesn’t have an open-on-Sundays Ethiopian restaurant. Consequently, I had Nepali food. Which is steak sauce. I also went to a very nice bookstore. I got two Virginia Woolf books. Fin.

What’s got other drawings?: Tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter.

Tabia B.
Rapidly Losing Power!

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