
Punch-a-Bear Archives      Drawing for 4.22.14

Oh, hey there. How are you? Looking good.

My life is miserable because my throat has decided that we are enemies and I am choking all of a sudden for no real reason.

That was a sentence. Okay. I was off on the weekend (Happy Easter, m-f-ers who give an s). When I came into work Monday, there was an almost whole ham. It turns out that the kids who worked on Sunday had a little potluck/work-provided Easter shindig. What a nice thing to do! But where is my vegetarian ham-like product?

I don’t know, you guys. I just don’t know.

I fucking made strawberry rhubarb pie this weekend all the way from scratch/without using a recipe. I don’t even need your ham or your apologies, World.

Take control of your ham: Tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter.

Tabia B.
(Not to be confused with ham toilet)