
Punch-a-Bear Archives      Drawing for 5.15.14

Hey, kids. Best wishes to all of you fine people. Blah, blah blah.

Have I done this drawing before? I mean, I know I just drew this, but the idea is constantly in my head (because of Spock being involved), so it’s hard to be sure it didn’t already happen.

I like Spock. In case you weren’t sure. Me and Nurse C. got it bad. I don’t mind sharing. The nothing that exists and can be had. Sad face.

Characters are always better than people. Because people aren’t as compact. It is also harder to follow real people, largely because they are boring. Real people are more likely to have annoying speech patterns and idiosyncrasies. If a character has those things, it damned well needs to be important. Otherwise, stick with Captain Pike. I really think so.

What would actually have been ideal: Majel Barrett as captain, Spock still second in command, and Pike as the nurse. No Shatners need apply.

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Tabia B.
Not Actually in Starfleet