
Punch-a-Bear Archives      Drawing for 5.1.14

And a good day to you, mon chéris. Let’s get this straight right off: your best friend is wrong about freezing watermelon.

Don’t get me wrong– it’s not bad. It’s just weird and not easy for my mouth. This is a bad day for fruit. I also blackened a banana because apparently leaving bananas in plastic bags in cars in hot weather causes changes. Who would have thought? I don’t know about you kids, but I’m writing my congressperson and Lynn Robinson ASAP. This has got to be stopped.

Aliens are fun to draw because they can be any color in any place at any time. They are like god in that way, I guess.

P.S. The message of this drawing is that you aren’t a superhero. It isn’t your fault. But here’s the good news: nobody else is a superhero either. Next time somebody punches through the brick wall of your house, just go out and be like “uh-uh. You can’t do that. You’re not a superhero and you’re sure as hell not my mom, so fix it.” This will not work as well if it is, indeed, your mother who punched through your wall. It may confuse her and buy you some time to run away, though. Good luck.

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Tabia B.
Super Hero Destroyer