
Punch-a-Bear Archives      Drawing for 4.15.14

Hi. I hope you all had at least half as good a weekend as I had.

I had adventures in The City (San Francisco) on Friday/Saturday. I got to stay awake for twenty four hours, which is not something I can say normally. In general, I flounce back and forth between insomnia and near-narcolepsy.

So, we can all agree that I am not parent material. I’m barely kid material. It boggles the mind that I was ever young at all. It seems as if I popped out tiny but fully formed from some Virginia Woolf essay.

Or so they say.

Special guest appearance by my imaginary genderless child, Princess Mastercard Ronnie.

Oh jeeze, here’s some birth control: Tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter.

Tabia B.
Sperm Donor